Teacher Guide for a "Unit of Practice" Project

Bullying: Identification, Prevention, and Resolution

By Amie Gorelik
Meet the Author

"What would you do if a bully came your way?"


  Standards and
Learning Objectives






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Standards and Learning Objectives

Kenosha Unified School District Academic Content Standards
Language Arts/English
Grade 4
ELA.4.1. Applies reading strategies to gain information and understanding.
ELA.4.1.B. Uses the arrangement of text and graphics to gain meaning (e.g., titles, headings, captions, directions, paragraphing).
ELA.4.1.D. Uses print and electronic resources as reference tools including thesaurus and encyclopedia as well as dictionary, almanac and atlas.
ELA.4.1.E. Takes action to understand text when meaning breaks down (e.g., rereads, asks, questions, visualizes).
ELA.4.3. Applies knowledge of grammar, usage and other writing conventions to ensure reader's
ELA.4.3.B. Capitalizes correctly.
ELA.4.3.C. Spells frequently-used words correctly.
ELA.4.3.D. Uses apostrophes in contractions and singular or plural possessive nouns.
ELA.4.3.E. Maintains verb tense within a paragraph.
ELA.4.3.F. Employs principles of agreement related to number, gender and case.
ELA.4.3.G. Creates a neat final product in cursive or with word processor.
ELA.4.3.H. Uses commas and end marks appropriately in lists, to separate sentences and to connect independent clauses.
ELA.4.4. Develops writing style using a variety of writing techniques.
ELA.4.4.C. Incorporates new vocabulary to make writing more precise and interesting.
ELA.4.5. Applies writing strategies to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes.
ELA.4.5.A. Understands and uses the writing process: pre-writing, drafting, revising, proof-reading/editing (individually or with peer) and publishing with teacher support.
ELA.4.5.B. Uses reference materials and technology as tools to develop writing (e.g., composing, using thesaurus, electronic dictionary, cutting and pasting).
Listening and Speaking
ELA.4.6. Uses listening and viewing strategies in a variety of situations to gain information and
ELA.4.6.C. Knows that a speaker's statements of fact could be verified as true or false while opinions cannot be verified.
ELA.4.6.F. Knows that a speaker's vocal intensity, intonation and pitch can affect meaning.
ELA.4.6.G. Understands and demonstrates respect for cultural differences in language (e.g., regional dialects).
ELA.4.7. Demonstrates speaking skills to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes.
ELA.4.7.A. Establishes eye contact with audience.
ELA.4.7.C. Uses voice and body language to convey meaning to audience (e.g., adjusts volume, incorporates gestures).
ELA.4.7.G. Incorporates visual aids into an oral presentation to enhance meaning (e.g., graphic organizers, posters, overheads, drawings, maps, graphs).
ELA.4.7.H. Retells main points, ideas, stories and experiences.
Social Studies
Grade 4
Behavioral Sciences
SS.4.6. Understands that group and cultural influences contribute to human development, identity, and behavior.
SS.4.6.A. Understands that the way a person views an incident reflects personal beliefs, experiences, and attitudes.
Information Literacy
Grade 4
Information Seeking
IL.4.1. Knows how to define the problem and identify the information need.
IL.4.1.A. Recognizes situations where information is needed to resolve a specific problem or question.
IL.4.1.D. Determines a specific focus or topic for the information search.
IL.4.3. Knows how to locate sources and find information within those sources.
IL.4.3.E. Uses the Internet to locate information.
IL.4.3.F. Uses print and electronic resources such as an encyclopedia, dictionary, almanac and atlas.
IL.4.3.G. Uses the index or table of contents of a book, magazine or reference set to locate specific information.
Evaluate and Interpret
IL.4.4. Knows how to evaluate resources and select relevant information.
IL.4.4.D. Distinguishes between fact and opinion.
IL.4.5. Knows how to record, organize and interpret selected information.
IL.4.5.A. Takes notes or records information in own words using manual or electronic tools (e.g., notecards, encyclopedia, notepads).
IL.4.5.B. Recognizes the need to identify the author of any information copied verbatim.
IL.4.5.C. Arranges notes to help answer the information problem.
IL.4.5.D. Draws conclusions based on the information gathered.
IL.4.5.E. Lists basic sources for information used.
IL.4.6. Knows how to communicate and evaluate the results of research and inquiry.
IL.4.6.A. Chooses a presentation format (e.g., oral, written or electronic).
IL.4.6.B. Establishes the criteria to be used in assessing the product or presentation and the process.
IL.4.6.C. Creates an original product or presentation to communicate the results of the research.
IL.4.6.D. Determines how well conclusions and product meet the original information need.
IL.4.6.E. Assesses the process/product based on established criteria.
Instructional Technology
Grade 3-5
Planning, Producing, and Presenting
IT.3-5.4. Knows how to use technology to plan, produce and present a product.
IT.3-5.4.B. Plans a multimedia production using an outline, storyboard or graphic organizer.
IT.3-5.4.C. Uses a scanner, camcorder or digital camera to collect images to illustrate text or to insert into a slideshow.
IT.3-5.4.D. Creates a simple document or slideshow incorporating text, sound, graphics or video.
IT.3-5.4.F. Classifies collected data and constructs a simple database by defining fields, entering and sorting data and producing a report.
Research and Communication Tools
IT.3-5.5. Knows how to use technology to access and transmit information.
IT.3-5.5.A. Uses basic terms related to the Internet (e.g., World Wide Web, homepage, links modem, Web site, bookmarks).
IT.3-5.5.D. Accesses information from the Internet using a Web browser.
IT.3-5.5.E. Uses bookmarks to save and access Web sites.

Learning Objectives
  • Gain a better understanding of diversity and acceptance of others
  • Access information on the internet and produce an authentic piece of work
  • Present the information gained from research