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Geometry of the SVHS Little Theater

By Ken Bystrom
Meet the Author

"The SVHS Little Theater is the most interesting building on our campus in terms of its geometry. The walls consist of non-rectangular polygons that rarely meet at right angles. How do you find the surface area and volume of this building?"

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Activity 1: Tech Survey
Assess prior knowledge using the tech survey template. Students download the template, then complete survey and print it out while in the computer lab or at home. If they do not have the correct version of MS Word they download acrobat reader and complete the...

Activity 2: Project Introduction and Website
Introduce students to the project. The introduction contains the link to Student Guide. Assign the Tech Survey activity to be completed at home and returned the following day.

Activity 3: Project Overview (PowerPoint)
Students go online to view the Project Overview Powerpoint presentation

Activity 4: Tech Skill Checklists
Student used guided notes (tech checklists) to gain software skills needed to complete the project.

Activity 5: Web Links to Assist with Project
Websites Useful to the Project

Activity 6: Parent Permission Slip
Parent Can Fill-in Form Online, then print and sign, and return with student to teacher.

Activity 7: Project Guidelines
Handout: Project Guidelines

Activity 8: Instructor's Scoring Rubric
Rubric used for scoring the project

Activity 9: View Multimedia Projects
Two Sample Multimedia Projects for online viewing. Only the movies (not the powerpoint or keynotes) could be compressed enough for downloading. The movies have been converted to .swf files so they should play in your computers browser