Prime Numbers

Breaking down number components.

Created by,
Carolyn Hart
Gerene Bodmer
Jaime Morales

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Meet the Authors:

Carolyn Hart

Prosser, WA 

Harriet Thompson Elementary


English/Language Arts
History/Social Science
My Philosophy
Students need a safe and productive learning environment that gives them skills and learning strategies to become enthusiastic lifelong learners.
My Community
Grandview is a small rural community in Central Washington with a high population of Second Language Learners, primarily Spanish-speaking. Jobs are related agriculture and it is a low-income area.
My Environment
Grandview School District has 3 elementary schools, a single larger middle school, and a single high school. The teachers are dedicated and very cooperative with students and other staff members. We have P.E., Music, Library, ELL, and Spec. Ed. specialists in each building. Class size varies, but is kept under 30 students, with smaller classes in primary grades.
My Roles and Responsibilities
I am a fifth grade teacher and teach all content subjects, including reading, math, social studies, and science. There are usually about 27 students in my class and their ability levels vary widely.

Gerene Bodmer

Richland, WA 

H. Thompson Elementary


My Philosophy
Make it fun! Endure to the end of the day! Keep an open mind for new ideas and always SHARE! Really care about the can't fake it---they will know. So find something positive about each child and build on it. Always teach for enduring knowledge.
My Community
Grandview is a small farming community surrounded by beautiful orchards and vinyards in the lower Yakima Valley of Washington state. We are considered a dry desert.
My Environment
We are a K-5 Title One School with about 85% Hispanic population and a high rate of poverty. We have a wonderful new school that has 3 to 4 classes in each grade. We are a dual language school. Our staff is very close, helpful, caring and cooperative.
My Roles and Responsibilities
I currently teach 5th grade with about 28 kids in my classroom. They rang in Reading level from 2.0 to 7.5. This is very challenging. I have 7 ESL students, 5 Migrant students and 2 Sp. Ed kids. I currently have one little guy who has severe behavior problems and has his own T.A. This is a very diverse group of mostly mellow very easy to work with children.

Jaime Morales

Grandview, WA 

Grandview Middle School


4, 5, 8
My Philosophy
Teaching is an interaction between teachers and students. It can’t happen with just one person talking. Each person in the classroom brings something to the table. I am there to help guide a discussion, but I cannot be the only person talking. Each student has a role and responsibility like a well oiled machine. It can run without my presence, but only if each student keeps their part. The students in the classroom take responsibility of their learning. They are all required to do their part. They are a team that helps each other out, if need be. They are each others’ resources. By keeping the class as a team and having a job for each of the students, it teaches them responsibility and gives them a sense of importance. They all have something to share and the students can use that to expand their knowledge. The students can use the knowledge they have to help grow in different areas and feed off each other to help them grow stronger in other areas. The students in my class to apply what they know or what they learn to solve a problem both in the classroom and out. My students know they can rely on each other for help and guidance. They can use their strengths to help out in math or reading. Mt students are excited about what is going on and what they are learning. Students need to be prepared for the real world and real-life situations as well. I believe by providing students with experiences they can remember and relate to, they will remember how to successfully solve problems.
My Community
Grandview population is 8,415. Community - Library, Police Station, Senior Center, Fire Department, Amusement - Parks and Recreation and Public Swimming Pool. Newest and largest business is the Walmart Distribution Center.
My Environment
Grandview School District consists of a High School, Compass H.S., Middle School, and three Elementary Schools. The Elementary Schools are recipients of the Reading First Grant and are now offering Dual Language Classrooms. Grandview School District student count 3,200. Student Free and Reduced Lunch 74.1% Ethnicity: Hispanic 79.1%, Caucasian 19.3%, Other 16%.
My Roles and Responsibilities
I am currently the Vice-Prinicpal at Ruth Livingston Elementary in Pasco, WA. I previously taught for six years in the Grandview School District. The curricula I have taught includes math, science, reading, writing, history, and technology. My goal is to work with educators and parents to provide their students with the most positive educational experience.  

Last updated: October 31 2004, 10:00 pm
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