Teaching ePortfolio Template (Assessment)
Accountability with Evidence of Teaching Performance
Goal 5
Choose a teaching standard that you plan to meet i.e.
 INTASC Standard Three: Diverse Learners. The teacher understands how learners differ in their approaches to learning and creates instructional opportunities that are adapted to learners from diverse cultural backgrounds and with exceptionalities.
Write a goal based on this standard; i.e.
I will be able to identify the different learning styles and diverse cultural backgrounds of my students, and then will design differentiated curriculum that meets all of their needs.

Write several objectives to meet this goal; i.e.
Objective 1: Create a survey or use an assessment tool that helps me identify the different learning styles and reading levels of my students.

Objective 2: Learn about the different cultures of my students.

Objective 3: Redesign an existing lesson to meet the different learning styles and reading levels.

Write or share outcomes met such as an example lesson, video example of you teaching the lesson, or several samples of student work (pre and post)