Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Online Resource for Teachers
"Goldilocks and the Three Bears" is a classic tale about young girl and her adventure as she curiously wanders into the home of three bears and messes with their belongings.

This project is a great resource for teachers who introduce the story in their Kindergarten classroom.  There are links to a variety of lesson plans, activities, and crafts which can be done following the introduction of the story. 

Enjoy! I hope you find this website "just right!"

Summary of the Story

Three bears decide to go for a walk because their breakfast is hot. While they are out, a bad girl, Goldilocks, walks into their house. She goes into the kitchen and tries the food that is in three bowls. The food in the first two bowls is not nice, but the third bowl she thinks is good. She tries their three chairs and likes the third one the best, but breaks it. Then she tries their three beds and falls asleep in the third one. The three bears come home and are angry about baby bear’s breakfast, chair and bed. They roar at Goldilocks and she runs home.

Background to the Story

Based on a traditional tale, The Three Bears first appeared in printed form in the English poet, Robert Southey’s book THE DOCTOR published in 1837. In the same year that Southey’s Three Bears appeared in print, the story was retold in verse by "G.N" (George Nicol) who fully acknowledged his debt to The Doctor. Southey was very pleased with this retelling having wished that the story would become more widely known. The first use of the name ‘Goldilocks’ seems to have been in Old Nursery Stories and Rhymes illustrated by John Hasall (c.1904). It is now universally attached to this traditional tale.

Topics and Themes

Animals- In the story we have three bears. This story could be adapted to include other animals. See if the pupils can recreate the same story but with different animals. Which are the funniest animals to use?
Colors- Use the illustrations, for example, the colour of Goldilocks’ shoes, dress, hair.
Family- Mummy, daddy and baby bear are a family.
Food- In the story the bears leave their breakfast to cool. This links into making a survey of what pupils have for breakfast and introducing the English words for breakfast food such as bacon, eggs, toast, jam, fruit juice etc.
My House- The topic links in with the introduction of language for rooms in the house and furniture such as chairs, beds etc. You could show the pupils pictures of the rooms or the furniture and then ask them to draw a room from their home and to draw the furniture that is in it. You could then tell them what the English word is to describe some of the things if they do not know them already.
Numbers- One, two, three in bears, bowls, chairs, beds.
Size- Big, medium and little, like the three bears, their bowls, beds and chairs.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Language Arts
Reader's Theatre
Focus Content Area:
English/Language Arts

Secondary Content Area:
Performing Arts
Grade Level: