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Environmental Concerns in the Community

By Mary Howland, Beth Fensterwald, Steven Caringella
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"How do we become aware of local environmental concerns and what can we do to make a difference?"

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Public Service Announcements

Instructional Time: 1 hour a day for 5 days each week for 4 weeks.

Zanker students will use the position regarding environmental concerns stated in their persuasive essays as the basis for public service announcements that they will create using a digital video camera, and video editing software.

Although students each wrote their own persuasive essays, the students will now be placed into collaborative groups. Within these groups of five to six students, students will vote on which of their peers topics within their group will be used for the PSA that the group will work together to create.

Before the groups begin working, the teacher will show the students a variety of PSA's, from those posted on the internet, and from those recorded from television. Students will be directed to discuss what a PSA is and what elements need to be included in a PSA. The class will discuss what makes a good PSA as well as what makes a poor-quality PSA.

Students will also be taught the story-boarding process and will practice the skill individually.

The class will learn basic DV terminology, directions for use of the DV c amera, and basic kinds of shots. Students will be given a chance to practice using the camera.

Students will then choose or be assigned roles within their groups. These roles can change during the production process. Within a group of six students, two will be in charge of storyboarding (although the entire group will participate, these two will be the writers/artists), two will be in charge of filming and editing (these two will be trained to use the video editing software), and two will be acting in the PSA.

When all of the above preparation is complete, the students will:
1. Storyboard the PSA for their topic.
2. Rehearse and coduct practice "takes" of their PSAs.
3. Film the final version of their PSAs.
4. Edit the PSAs using video editing software, and export the videos to Quicktime for posting to the Web and archiving on CDs.
5. Present the PSAs to the class, to the classes collaborating on this project, and to other interested individuals and groups.

1.PSA examplesWeb SiteHardware:
Internet Access
2.More PSA examplesWeb SiteHardware:
Internet Access
3.More PSA examplesWeb SiteHardware:
Internet Access
4.Sample PSA lesson planWeb SiteHardware:
Internet Access
5.Student PSA InformationWeb SiteHardware:
Internet Access
6.Student-created PSAsWeb SiteHardware:
Internet Access
7.More information on PSAsWeb SiteHardware:
Internet Access
8.Video production in the classroomWeb SiteHardware:
Internet Access

Method of Checking for Understanding:
Student Work, Peer Review, Rubric/Checklist