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Teacher Guide for a "Unit of Practice" Project

Decision 2004

By Mary Ann Skold
Meet the Author

"What is it like to participate in the democratic process?"


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Students in the 4th grade classroom will be randomly and equally divided into two groups. They will remain in these groups for the duration of the project. The first task of the group will be to elect a candidate. This may take several attempts or votes. The candidate will then lead the group in deciding upon a party platform. In this case their task will be to design a celebration to which all the fourth grade classes will be invited.

Once the party platform is established, the group will decide upon a slogan, a song, a mascot, campaign literature, a speech or other method of presenting their ideas to the uninformed electorate. This will be accomplished through the use of Appleworks, iTunes, Garage Band, iPhoto, iMovie or other computer application as needed. Each student will have the responsibility for creating one of these campaign items, will commit to it early in the campaign and will present it to the masses. Their grade will be determined by this item, as well as their overall campaign product, its completeness and implementation.

During this phase of the project, many different software applications will be in use, many different simultaneous activities, and will require a high degree of maintenance, organization, and follow through on the part of the teacher. The research portion of the project will involve direct instruction on the teacher's part and interactive discussion with the class. Students will be grouped or paired as need be to get the campaign on the road.