Digital Video Production
What is a quick and easy way to learn how to make videos?
Make sure your movie is saved as .mov, is under 15 MB and the title is short with no spaces.

Go to your team blog on Video Production and add a comment.

Give your comment a title and write a little about your video, why you chose this theme, and how you might use video in your classroom.

Place the cursor in the text editor where you want to access the Podcast.

Click on the Audio/Video icon in the toolbar and Insert Podcast 
  1. Type the link title (This is what people will see for the link to the podcast).
  2. Enter a description of your Audio/Video.
  3. Browse to find the Audio/Video file on your computer.
  4. Click Insert to place the link to the podcast into the text editor.
Your video will not appear in edit mode. If you want to see how it will look, click Preview or Save.