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Rubric: The Busy World of Bugs


 Category 1 Developing
2 Accomplished
3  Exemplary
Understanding Bugs,
similarities and

 Can correctly
identify the insect.
 Can correctly identify
the different insects
identifying at least two or more similarities and differences.
 Can correctly identify insect and identify five or more differences or similarities.
 Writing, Spelling and Grammar.  Correctly creates written sentences. Handwriting is produced but needs improvement.  Correctly creates written sentences. Provides good spacing along with sentence writing rules. (Capitals at beginning of sentences, periods at the end.)  Correctly creates sentences, along
with neat and legible writing, correct spelling and correct sentence writing rules.
 Picture  Correctly creates picture based on knowledge from various books viewed throughout bug unit. Uses at least three colors to create picture.  Correctly creates picture that corresponds to written work and uses at least 4 colors to create picture.  Correctly creates picture that corresponds to written work and uses at least 5 colors to create picture.
 Insect Making End of Week  Student follows directions but needs some help with using scissors/ glue and other materials  Student follows directions and can copy teacher examples of bugs.  Student follows directions and is able to create insect based on prior knowledge.
 Observing, infering, and inquiry.  Student can answer basic questions that pertain to bugs.  Students can copy ideas that they have read about in through various books read throughout week as well as answer unique questions from the teacher that might not be unique thoughts.  Students can creatively think about questions that the teacher poses, such as how many legs does each bug have, what are the similiarites and differences.