Mrs. Belvis' World
Where all are welcome!
Digital Photography & Storytelling

In My Neighborhood

On October 28, 2009 the students participated in a workshop
from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm. An instructor taught the students about digital photography and storytelling. They completed a project at home. Parents were encouraged to get involved.


Topic: In My Neighborhood (trees, stores, people, building, anything)


The students wrote stories, took pictures, then create a multimedia project (i.e. Photostory, Pixie, or Powerpoint). The best project will receive a Canon digital camera A480 as a gift.


On the day of the workshop, the students secured cameras from Ms. Spiric, ESOL Family Outreach Coordinator/Secondary Schools.  They had it for 5 days to take photos of their neighborhoods. The students were given three weeks to finish the project.  Parents are invited to attend a presentation of the digital stories on December 16, 2009.


All students who participated in the workshop received a flash drive as a gift. All students will receive a certificate of achievement for their hard work.