Watch Heroes At Middle-School: Where Heroes are Made!
Using Web 2.0 and Mobile technology

There are a host of resources that one could adapt to this unit. Sharing planning through Prezi, or Google Docs is an immediate opportunity to not only hone collaborative planning and project management, but teach key issues in digital citizenship; one’s digital footprint, creator rights, collaboration and communication in a digital world, etc.


Students can use their mobile devices to capture reference images, very useful since it is not necessary to capture high resolution images. There are also opportunities to use cameras to record ideas, audio enhancement of graphic images, posing apps, etc.


Image sharing apps are becoming more prevalent, and the use of file storage apps such as Dropbox, enable students to work on images collectively rather than forced to work alone.


Dabbleboard (see also Zwibbler and Groupboard) are online whiteboards that could allow students to work together on this project, even if separated by continents or oceans (dabbleboard depicted):

Dabbleboard screen shotBasic interface compendium

Queeky is a more traditional drawing application with social media properties:

Queeky screen shotQueeky home site

Bomomo is one of the strangest online drawing applications I’ve seen:

Bomomo screen shotBomomo illustration