Web What?
How has web 2.0 technology changed education in the 21st century?
3. Trial your tool
There are three elements to this part of the lesson:

1.  Use your research from part 2 of the lesson to narrow your ideas down to one web 2.0 tool.  In your group, choose one that you would like to explore further and trial in the classroom.  There are some links in the ’Resources’ section that you may wish to use, or you may already have come across a particular tool.  If you are finding it difficult to decide what type of tool you wish to try, consider choosing one of the following web 2.0 tool categories to get you started:
  • mindmaps and diagrams
  • collaborative writing
  • video/web conferencing
  • whiteboarding
  • blogs
  • wikis
  • multimedia presentations
  • picture sharing
  • podcasts and videos
2.  Once you are familiar with your tool, work with your group on either writing a lesson plan that incorporates it, or update an existing lesson plan to include the use of your chosen tool.  You may decide to use the tool as part of your teaching, or for your students to use to create work using web 2.0 technology.

3.  Trial the lesson! This can be in a realistic classroom setting, or with your colleagues if this is part of a professional development workshop.  Use digital media, such as a camera or videocamera, to record your lesson.  Incorporate this in your final presentation, along with the lesson plan, and a reflection of the lesson.