Web Safety
How can we make sure children are safe on the Internet?
Raising awareness
With schools moving towards using technology, and the internet, more to support learning and teaching, it is also your responsibility to raise awareness about internet safety within the school community.  You could consider doing the following:
  • sending home information to parents about how the internet will be used in school, and what has been discussed with the students about internet safety
  • sending home internet safety contract with the students, which parents also have to read and sign
  • an after-school workshop for parents about internet safety; this does not have to be complicated or ’techy’, but just make parents aware of what current trends in web use are for students of different ages, and how to ensure their children stay safe
The main focus should be on raising awareness and helping parents to understand that safe internet use is possible.  You don’t want them to feel overly anxious or worried about their children being online, but you do need them to be aware.