Dreamcatcher Art Lesson
Discovering & Creating Dreamcatchers
Dream Catcher Rubric

  Good Fair 
Dream Catcher Dream Catcher is symmetrical, well designed and references ideas from the culture Dream Catcher is mostly symmetrical, complete and somewhat references the culture Dream catcher is incomplete or lacks good design aesthetics 
Participation Student is respectful and works well with others in the class during assignment Student shares materials and follows most of the guidelines for good participation Student is off task, disruptive and doesn’t share class materials or help other students when needed
Written Component Student created a blog post/poem/short story that included what they learned about the culture and showcased their Dream Catcher Student created a blog post/poem/short story that showcased their art and only slightly referenced what they learned  Student did not create a poem/blog post/short story to accompany their art
Follows Direction Dream Cathcer is complete with all steps followed in order Dream Catcher is complete with most of the steps followed correctly Dream Catcher is not complete or several steps weren’t completed correctly