Teacher Guide

Almost Real World

By Megan Bly
Meet the Author

"The real world is filled with choices and decisions that need to be made. Many of these deal with personal finance because we need money in order to meet our basic needs of food, clothing and shelter. What is the best budget plan that meets all of your basic needs and allows you to have some enjoyment in life - whether it's a fancy home, cool car, traveling, or special hobbies?"

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Spending Money!
You will need:
1.Brainstorm Sample - Work Sample

Taxes - Uncle Sam Wants His Share!
You will need:
1.ARW Unit - Handout

Budget Basics
You will need:
1.Budget Basics - other
2.Family Budget Sample Template - other
3.Ledger Template - other

Homeward Found!
You will need:
1.Yahoo! Real Estate - Web Site
2.Housing - Handout
3.Classified/Real Estate sections - other

You will need:
1.Transportation - Handout
2.Yahoo! Autos - Web Site

Let's Go Shopping!
You will need:
1.Clothing - Handout

A Night Out
You will need:
1.Entertainment - Handout
2.Mercury News Entertainment Section - other

Let's Eat!
You will need:
1.Food Budget - Handout
2.Grocery Coupons - other

Medical & Dental Expenses

You will need:
1.Childcare - Handout
2.Childcare Reference Sheet - Handout

Vacation Time!
You will need:
1.Vacation - Handout
2.TravelZoo - Web Site
3.Yahoo! Travel - Web Site
4.Travel Section of Newspaper - other
5.Costco Travel - Web Site

Budget Basics Again
You will need:
1.Budget Basics Again - Handout

More Budgeting
You will need:
1.More Budgeting - Handout

You will need:
1.e-Portfolio - Handout
2.MS PowerPoint - Multimedia Presentation