New Year Resolutions 2020
What will you do to make a difference this year?
Our Resolutions

Think about what you want to do to make a difference in the New Year!

It’s that time of year when everyone looks at the start of a new year and the opportunity to begin fresh....renew....and set goals.


Think about what you can do yourself.....for yourself.

Think about what you can do to support and enhance your family.

Think about what you can do to make the world a better place.


1. Use the grade level tab to the right and post your resolution on each Padlet:  for Yourself....your Family....and the World.

2. Be sure to include your first name, last initial and grade on each posting.     (example: SarahS.3)

3. Also add an image to illustrate your words for each resolution.

Can’t wait to see everyone’s resolutions!

Happy New Year!