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Join Free Teams or Set Up Your Own Team

Teams are what makes My eCoach special because they provide a way for members to share, collaborate, and communicate in a private space while using helpful My eCoach tools and being part of the larger My eCoach community. Other sites offer only tools, resources or networking separately where My eCoach combines them all.

Free Teams for My eCoach Members

Leadership Team
 Homeschool  Network
This is a free team for My eCoach members who are in leadership roles to connect with other leaders around the world. Use this team to ask questions, find resources and research, connect with others, and share tips or tidbits that will help make you and your job more effective.An online community for Homeschool parents, teachers, and students to communicate, connect, collaborate, learn from each other, and find relevant resources and projects.
Hyperstudio Digital Playground

 Creating Websites with the
Universal Builder

The HyperStudio 5 community to ask questions, find training resources, link to projects. learn tips, access materials, and, share learning strategies with other HyperStudio users.Learn how to use The Universal Builder to create a website, learn strategies to plan a website, how to embed images, links, pop ups, files, and video clips, and how to work collaboratively with your team.

An online book club with ongoing books to choose from, a forum, blog, survey to rate the books, and a project with information about the authors, characters, plots, and study guide.

Set up a Class Team for your Students

Teachers can set up a class team for up to 40 students for the calendar school year for only $100. Teachers will automatically be placed on a free eTeacher Team where step-by-step instructions on team set up and use will be provided.

Create a Team for your School or Organization (Contact us)

You can also create teams for schools, districts, senior centers, online courses, enhancing face-to-face workshops, coaching programs, families, support groups, and class teams.

As a team member you will have access to these team tools:
  • Team Blogs for sharing resources and links
  • Team Calendar with ability to send invitations to team members
  • Team Forum to post and discuss topics in a secure threaded discussion
  • Team Chat for private conversations
  • Team Roster with access to each member’s profile
  • Universal Builder can be limited to team only
  • Team Surveys limited to team members only
  • View Recent Activities of Team Members
  • Send Message to all Members of Team with Team Contact List
  • Individual Learning Plans with support from eCoach
  • Team Manager and Reporting tools for eCoach(es)
To get started in your team, join now by clicking on the links to the teams above or Contact Us to get your own team set up.

"Computer Strategies and its division, My eCoach®, has worked with our district for many years. They have been consistently effective in helping Oakland teachers integrate technology into their curriculum. More than that, they have been flexible, creative, and willing to go the extra mile to ensure that their work makes a difference for Oakland students and teachers."

Peter Hutcher
Technology Specialist
Oakland USD - Oakland, CA

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